Action City is my latest album and music pack! It's really fun making these :)
As mentioned before, I am aiming to make 100 of these, which is about 34 hours of music!
Really pleased with the artwork. I think 100 of these will look cool in all the stores I'm uploading them to, namely, GameDevMarket, Unreal and Unity. I'm also selling the music on Bandcamp. I'll also be streaming on Spotify
This is a very ambitious experiment to see whether a creator can get by on the strength of their assets. I'm very much learning on the job, and hoping to share what I learn. I'll keep you all posted!
In the meantime, you can help me by following me on any of these platforms. If you want to buy a pack - even better!
I also need ideas for new packs. If you have a game that you need music for, let me know as this could potentially provide you with a lot of music!
From my experience I can say this is a win win situation for the game dev and you. Game dev gets bunch of music for their game and you get new ideas for new music packs.